- Can someone describe to me Martin Luthers (original) translation of the Bible in terms of "dynamic and literal"? I have often heard it said that Luthers Bible was frequently free (if his letter on Translating is any indication!) and occasionally literal (when he found a passage to be useful in determining doctrine, etc.)
- How much truth is there to this? If the Luther Bible (original) could be compared to one of our modern English translations, what would it be most similar to? ESV, NEB/REB, NIV, GW, CEV???
I'm just "literally" dying to know!!! (Oh yah, feelin' the idiomatic burn).
So here goes. This is Romans 3:21-26, first in Greek, then in the Luther Bible, third in a free and not very accurate back translation provided by yours truly (having many inexactitudes, I am not qualifed to do this) and finally the ESV. From this, I put it to our readers, which English translation does Luther's most closely resemble? I would add this caveat, Luther's style varies throughout the Bible.
- 21 νυνι δε χωρις νομου δικαιοσυνη θεου πεφανερωται μαρτυρουμενη υπο του νομου και των προφητων
Nun aber ist ohne Zutun des Gesetzes die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, offenbart und bezeugt durch das Gesetz und die Propheten. Luther
Now however without effort of the law, the righteousness which applies before God, is revealed and testified by the law and the prophets Babelfish and I
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it ESV
22 δικαιοσυνη δε θεου δια πιστεως ιησου χριστου εις παντας τους πιστευοντας ου γαρ εστιν διαστολη
Ich sage aber von solcher Gerechtigkeit vor Gott, die da kommt durch den Glauben an Jesum Christum zu allen und auf alle, die da glauben. Luther
I say however of such righteousness before God, which there comes by the faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all, which believe it Babelfish and I
the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: ESV
23 παντες γαρ ημαρτον και υστερουνται της δοξης του θεου
Denn es ist hier kein Unterschied: sie sind allzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten, Luther
Because it is here no difference: they are all sinners and lack the fame, which they should have with God, Babelfish and I
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, ESV
24 δικαιουμενοι δωρεαν τη αυτου χαριτι δια της απολυτρωσεως της εν χριστω ιησου
und werden ohne Verdienst gerecht aus seiner Gnade durch die Erlösung, so durch Jesum Christum geschehen ist, Luther
and will without service be justified by his grace through the release, this through Jesus Christ was done Babelfish and I
and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, ESV
25 ον προεθετο ο θεος ιλαστηριον δια {VAR2: [της] } πιστεως εν τω αυτου αιματι εις ενδειξιν της δικαιοσυνης αυτου δια την παρεσιν των προγεγονοτων αμαρτηματων
welchen Gott hat vorgestellt zu einem Gnadenstuhl durch den Glauben in seinem Blut, damit er die Gerechtigkeit, die vor ihm gilt, darbiete in dem, daß er Sünde vergibt, welche bisher geblieben war unter göttlicher Geduld; Luther
which God has presented forth as a grace seat by the faith in his blood, the righteousness which applies before it, in that he forgives sins which had so far remained under godly patience; Babelfish and I
whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. ESV
26 εν τη ανοχη του θεου προς την ενδειξιν της δικαιοσυνης αυτου εν τω νυν καιρω εις το ειναι αυτον δικαιον και δικαιουντα τον εκ πιστεως ιησου
auf daß er zu diesen Zeiten darböte die Gerechtigkeit, die vor ihm gilt; auf daß er allein gerecht sei und gerecht mache den, der da ist des Glaubens an Jesum. Luther
in that it would show at these times the righteousness, which applies before him; so that he alone may be just and make just, the one in whom is faith in Jesus. Babelfish and I
It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. ESV
Which English translation do you think this most closely resembles?
Here are a ccouple of articles first from the German Embassy and from the International Bible Society.
Note: Corrections to the German back translation will be gratefully accepted.
I once heard a lecturer say that Luther's Bible truly stood out among translations of his era, including English translations. He said that Luther truly wanted the Bible to be understood by the people, so he put it in the everyday language of the people. He was not content to merely provide lexical definitions, but would go and talk with those associated with a particular field to get the words right in German. For instance when he was translating the sections on method of sacrifice in the OT Law, Luther discussed these passages with butchers so that he would be sure to get the right and precise term.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I would not be afraid to deposit a similar question, "Did those who originally translate the Bible into English just carry over the Latin/etc., terms out of laziness?"
It is certainly not laziness. English was in a minority lg. position as a legal and literary language in England for many centuries. It gained the mechanism morphologically as a germanic language to encorporate French words into its vocabulary to, in a sense, nativize these words. Latinate theological terms were already developing for theological use in English. Then these terms were used, a few in Wycliff's Bible, more in Tyndales and the most in the KJV. But it wasn't laziness - it was just the way English was.
English was first used in parliament in England in the late 1300's just before Chaucer and Wycliff. French was the official lg up till then.
German on the other hand, used terms already in existence in German for other purposes. It did not develop Latinized terms, but gave new meaning to old words.
In many ways the situation for English is unique.
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ReplyDeleteSuzanne, thank you for this. It is indeed clear that Luther shunned the formal equivalence method. I note for example that he avoided rendering δικαιοσυνη θεου literally as "the righteousness of God", but boldly (although possibly theologically controversially) rendered "die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt", which is probably better translated "the righteousness which is valid before God" - three times in the short passage you looked at. This is certainly what would now be called a dynamic equivalence translation strategy. And there are a number of cases of this in this short passage.
ReplyDeleteI have visited the room in the Wartburg castle where Luther first translated the New Testament. An interesting place to visit.
I don't think Luther would "shun" the formal equivalence" method. However, he would encourage a freer translation. The 1963/1976 Beck Bible (pre-cursor of GW) would probably come closest to Luther's approach.
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ReplyDeleteIt is not true, that Luther shunned the formal equivalence method. He translated passages, which were very important for his theology, very freely (he really preached sometimes), but in most cases Luther translated rather literally and often even word for word. The translation method alternates very frequently.
ReplyDeleteLuther even translated many idioms literally. But because of the strong influence of Luther's translation on the German language, many common phrases of the German language have their origin in Hebrew and Greek idioms which have been translated literally by Luther.
Thus, apart from for Luther theologically important verses and the psalms, I would say, that Luther's translation is mostly literal with communicative phrases.