Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wal-Mart Bible Letter

A petition has been posted on the Internet, asking Wal-Mart to stop selling Bibles. This is a blog announcement only. I do not agree with the contents of the petition letter. I am glad that Wal-Mart sells Bibles. I enjoy finding out which Bible versions are stocked in large stores like Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Barnes and Noble, etc.

HT: Truth and Repose


  1. You know, since four out of the five points are taken (out of context) from the OT, you would think that this would draw the ire of the Jewish community, too. A good claim of anti-semitism may be what's needed here.

  2. I must say this is so over the top that I wonder if it is a hoax. I'm surprised the date to be sent out is not April 1.

  3. It DOES sound like an urban legend, but I think it's the real deal. I searched around for it on Google, and there's no reference to it being a haox. Ironically I found an urging to sign the letter in a forum at You'd think that censorship of any book would be contrary to the values of "free thought."

  4. But I'll gladly sign the petition to fine individuals $100 for each use of the singular "they."

    You're funny, sir. If everybody were as funny as you, he would have better health, as the good book says, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (Prov. 17:22)

    Thanks for making me smile before heading to bed. I hope I sleep better because of it.

  5. Anon, in response will I sign the petition to fine individuals $100 for each use of subject-verb inversion. ;-)


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