GNT (Good News Translation; TEV)
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Categories: TEV, GNT, Bible translation
James 5:18 "the sky poured out its rain"
Unnatural: I don't think any fluent English speaker would ever say or write this for the meaning that "it rained."
1 John 2:17 "if you do the will of God"
Collocational clash: It is not appropriate in English to speak of "doing the will" of someone. Instead, we would say something like "I did what he wanted."
1 John 3:17 "close our hearts against them"
Collocational clash: It is not natural English to speak of closing your heart "against" someone. It is slightly better English to speak of closing your heart "to" someone, but even this collocation of "close heart to" is rather unnatural.
Heb. 11:13 "It was in faith that all these persons died."
To my ears "in faith" is not a natural way of saying what the condition of these people was when they died. The GNT here literally retains the form of the Greek dative preposition 'en', translating it with the English preposition "in." But I don't think "in faith" is a natural way of writing or speaking English. This is how this phrase strikes me; ultimately, field testing needs to be done to determine if and how well the intended meaning is understood by those who use this translation.
Eph. 4:15 "Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head."
See comment under NET.
Matt. 6:7 "When you pray, do not use a lot of meaningless words, as the pagans do, who think that their gods will hear them because their prayers are long."
The wording "a lot of meaningless words" appears to be inaccurate. The biblical text actually refers to meaningless repetition. The words repeated may be meaningful, but the repetition of them may become a meaningless act.
These comments seem very trivial to me, also, the way in which older language is situated obviously wouldn't line up to be proper english - even when transalted. It just seems to be nit-pick to me... but then what do I know...
Oh great, and I misspell words too, so I'm sorry for my own ignorance as well >.<
"the sky poured out its rain"
Is more correct to me because it helps to remind us the sky is a thing that issued the action of raining, "it rained" is not the same text, and it disregards the personification of the sky itself. The sky is what poured out the rain - to me it is an entirely different statement that 'it rained' and for good reason. Changing it to 'it rained' might seem more like modern english, but it would change the meaning and I don't believe it should be changed.
Rom. 11:16 "It is just like this, if you give the first lump of bread dough to God, then the whole bread will be his. And if you give the roots of a tree to God then the branches are his too."
I don't think either conclusion follows logically in English. I suggest, therefore, that it is less accurate to translate the concept of "holy" with "give (something) to God" than to use the word "holy" itself or a more appropriate synonym.
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