NASB (New American Standard Bible)
"Since its completion in 1971, the New American Standard Bible has been widely acclaimed as “the most literally accurate translation” from the original languages. Millions of people, students, scholars, pastors, missionaries, and laypersons alike, have trusted the NASB, learning from it and applying it to the challenges of their daily lives. With the NASB, anyone can discover what the original text really says, word for word, because it is considered the most literal translation of the Bible in the English language, consistently following the oldest and best manuscripts.
The updated NASB continues this commitment to accuracy, while increasing clarity and readability. Vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure have been carefully updated for greater understanding and smoother reading. The updated NASB remains the most literally accurate Bible in the English language"
Categories: NASB, Bible translation
Yes, there is some evidence from early Greek manuscripts for the Greek word translated here as 'yet' in the KJV. But other early manuscripts do not have that Greek word. This is a problem for the practice of textual criticism which must take place, of course,to determine what the best supported underlying text was, before translation of the text can take place. This is one of those passages where we need to be open to consideration of the different kinds of evidence available both for translating with 'yet' and for not translating with it. The translator can work with either conclusion.
Matt. 10:15 "it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city"
My understanding of English is that it is wrong to use the preposition "in" when speaking about something occurring on some specified day. The correct preposition to use is "on." It appears that the NASB translators may have concordantly translated the Greek preposition en here with English "in" rather than using "on" which would be the appropriate English preposition to use in this time phrase.
Luke 20:34 "the sons of this age"
This wording does not accurately communicate the meaning of the original Semitic idiom which refers to 'people who are now living.'
John 17:12 "the son of perdition"
This wording does not accurately communicate to English speakers the meaning of this Semitic idiom, which is that this was a 'person destined for destruction (or, perdition).'
Ps. 55:1 "Give ear to my prayer"
"Give ear to" is obsolescent English. I have never heard any fluent English speaker in my lifetime (I qualify for AARP discounts) speak or write "give ear to."
Proper English today is:
"Listen to my prayer"
Prov. 11:8 "The righteous is delivered from trouble"
This is ungrammatical in English (but not Hebrew) as I understand the syntax of adjectival noun phrases. (See explanation under HCSB.)
"The righteous one is delivered from trouble"
"The righteous person is delivered from trouble"
Hebrews 4:3, NASU, quotes the Old Testament by saying God was mad and cursed: "As I swore in my wrath." The New Century Version helped me to understand: "I was angry and made a promise."
The '71 version was more accurate in translating Matthew 5:28 as, "“but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” than "with lust for her"
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