NET Bible
about The NET Bible Project:
"The NET Bible (New English Translation) is a completely new translation of the Bible, not a revision or an update of a previous English version. It is being completed by more than twenty biblical scholars who are working directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The translation project originally started as an attempt to provide an electronic version of a modern translation for electronic distribution over the Internet and on CD-Rom. Anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet connection will be able to use and print out the NET Bible without cost for personal study."
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Categories: NET Bible
1 Peter 2:19 NET Bible comments posted on the b-greek list
2 Cor. 1:8 "regarding the affliction that happened to us"
In English an affliction does not "happen", nor does it "happen" to someone. Instead, someone can be afflicted.
2 Cor. 1:3 "the Father of mercies"
As a speaker of a standard dialect of American English, I do not know what this phrase means and I suspect that field testing will demonstrate that may other English speakers do not understand it either.
Luke 22:21 "But look, the hand of the one who betrays me is with me on the table."
To me this sounds like the betrayer's hand was dismembered and is lying on the table. I don't think that is the meaning intended by the translators!
Luke 24:25 "slow of heart to believe"
Unnatural: English does not have within its repertoire the expression "slow of heart." In English we can speak of a "slow heart" but that refers to the rate at which a heart pumps. This translation is inadequate. It would be better just to omit "of heart" in an English translation, since in English one metaphorically believes with one's "heart" so it is redundant to include "heart" along with "believe."
Eph. 4:15 "But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ, who is the head."
It is not proper English to speak of growing up "into someone." Several other English versions have this same grammatical problem for this verse, including NASB, NAB, NJB, NIV, TNIV, NRSV, TEV, NKJV, HCSB, ESV.
1Co 7:36-38
NET has not made this section clear.
As its extensive footnote says NET should have GAMIZW in v. 38, translated as ‘give in marriage’, not as ‘marry’. Then, in the v. 38 the man refers to the father of a virgin daughter. However in the v. 36 the man (anyone, he) is the one who wants to marry her.
v. 37 hOS DE construction gives a sense of ‘on the other hand, but the one …’ So here her father is referred to, the subject being changed from v. 36.
In other words, unlike rendering the text as if only one is referred in the text [as her fiance such as in NET], there two different men (her father and her fiancé) are involved here in reference to a virgin. She should also be clarified as virgin daughter and virgin fiancée, depending on whom is mentioned with her.
So a rendering to give smoother reading and sensible interpretation without forcing to change in Gk is:
7:36 But if anyone thinks he is doing-unfairly toward his virgin [fiancée] by letting her go past the bloom of youth and thus feels they should marry [by now], let him do what he wishes — he is not missing-a-mark.
Let them marry.
7:37 But as for the one [= her father] who has stood settled in his heart, not from compulsion but rather with control over his own will, if he has decided it in his own heart that he should keep his own virgin [daughter remain unmarried], he is doing well.
7:38 So then this one [= her father] on the one hand when he gives his own virgin daugther in marriage, he is doing well, and the one on the other hand not giving her in marriage, he will be doing better.
A functional translation wtih amplification within the brackets.
Shoot, Blogger is messing up links tags again.
All this time I've been reading your blog I've seen you mention the NET Bible, and I assumed you meant the NETS Bible (New English Translation of the Septuagint - provisional) [] which is one of my favourite sites. The translation notes are profuse and fascinating. The introduction to each book is like a lesson in the subject!
I was thinking as I read this post - Corinthians? Corinthians? That can't be in the Septuagint!
So stupid of me! LOL
I'll have to explore this NET Bible site. You might enjoy checking out the NETS as well.
Talmida said:
I'll have to explore this NET Bible site. You might enjoy checking out the NETS as well.
I think you will appreciate the extensive notes in the NET Bible, Talmida. The notes on translation of the Hebrew Bible strike me as an important resource, as well as the notes on the New Testament.
I'm familiar with the NETS project, and thanks for the reminder.
BTW, there was yet another NET Bible translation. It had the same acronym New English Translation as the NET Bible done by Dallas Seminary professors and alumni. I haven't read much about that older NET translation.
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