Thursday, September 18, 2008

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English Quality of Bibles Survey
Previous Posts
- NLT Study Bible vs. ESV Study Bible- Introducing t...
- NLT Study Bible and Mark 11:13-14
- Which NLT are you reading?
- NLT Study Bible, ESV Study Bible, NIV Study Bible,...
- Missionary Struggles to Translate "Thee" and "Thou"
- when "in" is out
- Young Guns on Bible Translation
- Which Bible Version is Superior? 2. Weaknesses of ...
- The Duct Tape Bible
- A blind comparison
Wow. Five NLT-related posts in a row. Maybe this is now "Better-NLT-Blog" :-)
Rick, should we allow our blog stockholders to vote on keeping our name as BBB or NLB, New Living Blog?
I know I'm prejudice, but I see the NLT as practically condescending at times as if speaking to little children. And at other times being a kind of street version of the NIV or TNIV. That may sound crude, but it's hard to get a decades long user of the NIV, and now the TNIV away from that form of English we've grown so accustomed to, and which I see far more reflected in good reading in books, I think.
Add to this, the original NLT, for its problems was what it was. The revisions are good for the NLT, don't get me wrong. But it's like trying to make it into something it can't be, or at least what we're not accustomed to. Though maybe all the buyers and users of it will see otherwise, and keep using it. Better to use the NLT than not to use the TNIV, that's for sure!
Ted commented:
I know I'm prejudice, but I see the NLT as practically condescending at times as if speaking to little children.
Interesting, Ted. As I read the NLT, I don't have that sense at all. In fact, I for some phrasings I sense that the NLT, especially through its revisions, has become more "literal", more Biblish. But I can sure see how someone who is used to a different Bible sound could get the feel that you do. So much of beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?
Would you happen to have a list of any NLT wordings which strike you as having too low of a reading level? It would be interesting to see them here and see how others react.
Well, the time has come for me to take my repose. With your indulgence, I shall say good night.
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