Grudem on Albert Mohler radio program
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Categories: Albert Mohler, Wayne Grudem, TNIV
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posted by Wayne Leman at 9:00 AM
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Yes, it is ironic, but not to Mohler, Grudem, et al, because for them using a Bible version with updated English is only a linguistic issue. Using a Bible with more gender inclusive language is, for them, a theological issue, having to do with what they believe is God's divinely ordained rules for different roles and proper subordination for women. For most of us, theological issues are more important than other ones.
Wayne, I agree. But that is so strange. Because in all the passages of male-female relationship the TNIV meaning is substantially no different than the ESV (example, the 1 Timothy 2:11-15 passage).
They have to know that in most cases where "generic he" is abandoned, the meaning is inclusive of females.
But they will pick at places like where pater might be rendered parents (or "forefathers"- NIV rendered "ancestors"- TNIV). And losing the patriarch element in a passage like Psalm 1 (which may have its cons, though I think is more like pros).
They won't be won over. As you point out, their "beef" is theological and really has next to nothing to do with faithful translation- in my opinion.
Again, though, what's frustrating for me is what little substance they have in their arguments. I don't see how the majority of Christians who would hear what they say, then take up the evidence for themselves would not consider their outcry to be overblown at least or "much adieu about nothing" or at the very least questionable.
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