new url for TNIV revisions suggestions
You can click on the posting link in the margin of the TNIV Truth blog, or if you prefer, you can use a new url which will redirect you to the revision suggestions form: that url doesn't work for you, click here.)
Please feel free to distribute the new url widely on your own Internet websites or blogs and in email messages to friends.
The form does not ask for your email address, so you will not be spammed by the Bravenet service which hosts the form.
Unfortunately, none of those links work.
Unfortunately, none of those links work.
Hmm, that's odd. I just checked each link in both IE7 and FF2 and each one works fine. Do you need to flush your cache? (I didn't ask if you were flush with cash?!)
The links didn't work for me either. :(
Hmm, most baffling!
Try copying and pasting this url into your Internet browser and see if it works:
What browser are you using, Mary Ann? I'd like to solve this, if possible.
Still doesn't work. I use Safari beta 3 on Mac OS X 10.4.10 and also Firefox 2. No success.
Okay, the new alternate link works, but the originals still do not.
Thanks, Wayne
I have left a comment on the TNIV Truth blog that I have just checked on the re-direct link within these others browsers running on my Windows-based computer:
I have not yet found a browser for which the re-direct link does not take me to the TNIV revision suggestions form.
I'm wondering if the problem is only occurring on Mac systems? If so, I will try to find an answer for that issue.
Oh, there is a simple poll in the margin of the TNIV Truth blog to try to find out how many people are not able to use the re-direct link. If you have the time (10 seconds?), please help by answering that poll question.
Wayne, I'm curious how you checked Safari browser on a Windows platform.
Unfortunately, some people think that designing a site to handle IE makes it "standard". Such is not the case. IE does not conform to International standards. If the designer follows www3 guidelines, then mac browsers have no problems.
Safari is now available for Windows platforms as well as the Mac. I downloaded Safari from its website.
Everything I learned in life I learned ... by googling! :-)
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