Moving day: come visit our new blog home
Please change your bookmarks and blogrolls for the Better Bibles Blog. Feel free to ask for help if you have any difficulty commenting on the new blog. You can email me privately: wayne dot leman at gmail dot com if you are unable to post a comment on the new blog.
We intend to continue bringing you good quality posts on Bible translation issues. In fact, we hope to do an even better job. If any of you know of any Bible scholar who is trained in Bible translation principles and who might enjoy joining our blogging team, please email me about that privately, as well.
We could not have made this move without the wonderful, time-consuming labor of ElShaddai Edwards (of He is Sufficient blog) and David Ker of Lingamish.
At this time of transition some of our blogging staff have evaluated their priorities and decided not to continue blogging at BBB. So we want to thank each of them for their contributions to BBB over the years. They are Suzanne McCarthy, David Lang, and David Ker.
Please do join our housewarming party at our new address. We welcome you there and hope you feel just as at home there as you have here on the Blogspot system. We also hope you will notice improvements to the blog which come from the features of the Wordpress system we are using on the new blog.
The door is open at our new home, and we'll leave the lights on for you!
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