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Thursday, May 10, 2007

care package poll

OK, the researcher in me has once again been stirred to action to try to satisfy my curiosity. In my previous post I discussed difficulty I have understanding a wording in two English Bible versions, the KJV and RSV. I have now created a poll to try to understand what the wording "care for no man" (RSV) means to this blog's visitors. To try to make the poll easier to administer, I revised RSV "no man" to the indefinite pronoun "no one" which is an accurate translation of the underlying Greek indefinite pronoun oudenos . And I put my test sentence in the first person. Neither change should have any impact on the meaning of the words "care for" in a negative context.

So, if you would, please humor me by attempting to respond to the newest poll. It has a green background and is the first poll in the margin of this blog.

Please note, we are only testing the English wording in the poll. We are not asking what is the best translation or even the intended meaning of the Greek behind any translations of Matt. 22:16.


At Thu May 10, 09:39:00 PM, Blogger anonymous said...

Were I to have made the poll, I should have added "it depends on centext." In any case, that is my vote.

(Just for you, I used the subjunctive and the correct shall/will form in my first sentence.)

At Thu May 10, 09:57:00 PM, Blogger Eric Rowe said...

Before I saw anonymous's comment I felt compelled to answer "other" because I can't tell what it means without a context.

At Thu May 10, 10:38:00 PM, Blogger Wayne Leman said...

Anonymous and Eric, I'd be happen to redesign this poll with the two of you to make it better. Feel free to email me off-blog or comment here if you have ideas for improving it. If all that's needed is addition of "it depends on centext" (or even context, eh?!), I can add that and restart the poll.

(Just for you, I used the subjunctive and the correct shall/will form in my first sentence.)

Well, just for you I should let you know that if I were in your shoes I would use the subjunctive, as well. In fact, I still consistently use it in contrary-to-fact contexts.

I remember being taught the shall/will rule and I might follow it, but right now I'm having a senior moment and forget the rule. Perhaps I follow it automatically. I'll (cheating?!) never know.



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